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Child Engaged in Art-Based Play Therapy
Picture of Art-Based Play Therapy

Art-Based Play Therapy

Therapeutic art, rooted in play, offers a multitude of benefits for child mental health, making  it an invaluable choice for parents seeking support for their children.

Rooted in creativity and self-expression, play based therapeutic art supports children's emotional well-being and personal growth by allowing children to visually express and explore their emotions in a

non-verbal and non-threatening way.

Through the creative process, children can gain insight into their feelings, develop emotional regulation skills, and find healthy outlets for emotional expression.

Why Art-Based Play Therapy?

Play based therapeutic art involves various creative activities such as drawing, painting, and coloring as therapeutic tools for children. Unlike an art class or show-and-tell, the focus here is on the child's emotional experience and the journey they embark on during the session.

Research has consistently shown the numerous benefits of art-based play therapy for children, including emotional processing, problem solving, communication, self-expression, among others.

Play based therapeutic art is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, it is tailored to each child's specific needs and therapy goals. I carefully assess and determine the most appropriate interventions for each child, using art as a tool to address their unique challenges and strengths.


Play based therapeutic art is a valuable and evidence-based approach that can help children navigate complex emotions and experiences. Talking about difficult emotions directly can sometimes retraumatize or create intense stress for children. Play that is based in  therapeutic art allows children to indirectly explore their experiences by using art as a medium. Through creative expression, they can access and process difficult emotions without feeling the pressure to articulate them in words. It's a modality that respects each child's unique journey and provides a safe space for self-expression and healing.

How is Art-Based Play Therapy Different from an Art Class?

It's important to note that play based therapeutic art is a form of therapy, not an art class. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to respect their child's privacy and not press them for details about their sessions. However, please rest assured that if any safety concerns or red flags arise during the therapy process, your child's well-being is prioritized. In such cases, parents and caregivers will promptly be informed, working collaboratively to ensure the safety and progress of your child in their therapeutic process. Like adults in traditional talk therapy, children may not fully understand or be ready to discuss the deeper meanings behind their creative expressions. Trusting the therapeutic process and the trained professionals involved is crucial for its effectiveness.

How Might My Child Benefit from Art-Based Play Thearpy?

The following provides a glimpse into some of the many benefits of

art-based play therapy for children:


  • ​Emotional Expression: Art-based play therapy provides a creative outlet for children to express their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a non-verbal way.

  • Enhanced Communication: Children who may have difficulty expressing themselves verbally often find it easier to communicate through therapeutic art, improving their ability to share their inner world.

  • Self-Exploration: Art activities encourage self-reflection, helping children gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their emotions.

  • Emotional Regulation: Through art, children can learn to manage and regulate their emotions more effectively.

  • Stress Reduction: Art-based play therapy can serve as a relaxing and soothing activity and can reduce stress in children.

  • Empowerment: Therapeutic art allows children to take control of their creative process and can foster a sense of empowerment and autonomy.

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