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Frequently Asked Questions

What Age Range of Children Do You Serve

I provide child counseling in Knoxville for children between the ages of 4 and 11. These years encompass a wide range of developmental stages, and I provide support tailored to their specific needs, at that time.

Do You Work with Children Who Have Autism Spectrum Disorders?

While I provide play therapy and child counseling in Knoxville and work with a variety of child-related concerns, I specialize in areas outside of autism spectrum disorders. While I'm dedicated to providing the best care possible, I may not have the expertise or resources to provide the specialized support that children with autism spectrum disorders may require. My approach is best suited to address different emotional and developmental needs. If you are seeking support for a child with autism spectrum disorders, I may consider a specialist who can provide more tailored assistance in this specific area. Your child's well-being is of utmost importance, and finding the right fit is essential for their growth and progress. With that being said, some children with autism may benefit from traditional play therapy because it provides a structured and supportive environment for them to express themselves, develop social skills, and work on emotional regulation. If you have any questions or concerns or want to discuss this more, please feel free to reach out, and I'd be happy to assist in any way I can.

Do you take insurance?

Yes, I offer various payment options to accommodate different preferences. I accept private pay, out-of-network (OON), and currently, work with select insurance providers. I am currently unable to accept government-funded insurance plans or Medicaid, including all types of TennCare. Schedule a consultation call to discuss the details!



Why Choose Private Pay Over Insurance for Child Counseling?

Some folks opt for private pay because when they choose this route, they are not bound by insurance restrictions. I can also provide more flexible child counseling in Knoxville where your child is not limited to session caps set by insurance providers, ensuring that their therapeutic progress is not interrupted.  Additionally, the treatment can remain entirely private, as I do not report client information to insurance companies. It's also important to note that depending on your insurance deductibles, private pay may even be a more cost-effective route for therapy than using insurance. This means you have the freedom to choose me as your therapist, regardless of your insurance provider, and your sessions can focus entirely on your needs and goals without these external limitations. This flexibility ensures accessibility to therapy for everyone seeking support, regardless of insurance coverage.

How Long Will the Counseling Process Take?

It's important to understand that child counseling is not a quick fix or short-term solution. Counseling is a process and its duration can vary from one child to another. The length of the process depends on several factors, including the complexity of the family's/child concerns during intake, the comfort level of the child, and the time it takes to establish a strong rapport with the therapist. Each child's emotional expression and progress unfold at their own pace. While some may experience positive changes relatively quickly, others may require more time to achieve their therapeutic goals. The counseling process is best approached with an understanding that it unfolds at its own unique pace, emphasizing the significance of allowing space for this individualized progress. The focus is on providing support and guidance needed to facilitate this process, allowing children and families to progress in a way that best suits their needs and circumstances.

How Often Will I Be Able to Meet With You to Discuss My Child's Treatment?

As your child's therapist, I schedule parent appointments as necessary for effective collaboration. In the event of an emergency, rest assured I will promptly reach out. To maintain the confidentiality and safe space of our sessions, I typically do not conduct regular meetings with parents between sessions. If additional parenting support is needed, I can provide referrals. In emergencies, please do not hesitate to call 911 or go directly to the nearest hospital for immediate assistance.

What is Compassionate Parenting?

Compassionate parenting acknowledges that you're not alone in your parenting journey. It means seeking support for your child through child counseling as an act of love and strength, not a sign of inadequacy. To be a compassionate parent is to listen, understand, and nurture your child's emotional well-being while caring for your own. It's a path of patience, empathy, and commitment to your child's growth and happiness.

What Are Out of Network Benefits?

Out-of-network benefits refer to the coverage provided by your insurance plan for services received from healthcare providers who are not in your plan's network. When using out-of-network benefits for child counseling in Knoxville, you may have the flexibility to choose the therapist or counselor that best meets your needs, even if they are not directly affiliated with your insurance provider. While out-of-network benefits can offer greater choice and access to specialized services, it's essential to check with your insurance provider to understand the specifics of your out-of-network coverage and any reimbursement procedures.

Can You Provide Superbills for Out-of-Network Benefts?

Yes, upon your request, I can provide superbills for child counseling in Knoxville. It's important to note that I cannot guarantee that your insurance will cover the costs, as it depends on your specific plan and its policies. If you wish to utilize out-of-network benefits and want to explore potential coverage, it's your responsibility to confirm with your insurance provider beforehand. They can provide you with information on whether the sessions are eligible for reimbursement and any necessary steps you need to follow for submission. This way, you have the opportunity to explore the possibility of coverage while maintaining control over your financial decisions.

What Happens in a Consultation Call?

During a 15-minute consultation call, legal guardians have the chance to discuss their needs and challenges while exploring how my child counseling in Knoxville may support them and their children. We use this call to evaluate if there's a good fit between your goals and my practice. It's an obligation-free opportunity to decide if child counseling services should move forward.

What is a Good Faith Estimate and How Do I Get One?

A Good Faith Estimate is a written document provided by a healthcare provider that outlines the expected out-of pocket costs of your medical services before you receive the treatment. I will send caregivers the Good Faith Estimate along with all the initial paperwork before intake for child counseling, allowing you to have a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your child's counseling. This estimate is designed to help you make informed decisions about the treatment.

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